Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ever Seen More than 100 Bibles at Once?

Bible Race Part 2:
( Did you read Part 1? Bible Race Part 1 )

A few weeks ago I wrote a post about our preteen ministry feeling led to gather Bibles to donate somewhere. We called it The Bible Race! 

It was amazing to see what God had in store for us...After only three weeks of accepting donations, we broke the 100 Bibles mark! Not only did many of our preteens donate Bibles, but the word got out and parents, grandparents even our church donated many Bibles to our Bible Race.

We set a goal to cover up the stage I stand on Sunday mornings with Bibles and force me to stand on  the floor. The preteens achieved that after just the 2nd week!

Together we prayed for God to open the door for us. Praying that He knows the need and that He can direct us toward how to fulfill it.
Three days later when our Preteen/Children's Team Leader was getting her haircut she was talking about how many Bibles our preteens gathered and that we were praying about where to send them, and surprisingly, the gentleman cutting her hair looked at her in complete shock! He began to tell her how his church here in Lubbock was struggling to figure out how to supply their members with Bibles, because although many of them enjoy going to church, they cannot afford a personal Bible.

This Sunday our preteens will be delivering all 109 Bibles to a very excited gentleman named, Larry, and his beautiful church filled with people anxiously awaiting the blessings of God's Word.

And it all started with just one preteen, one question, and one Bible.

So the next time you are blessed to hear the words: "How can we use this for God?"
May the Lord God fill your heart as you challenge your preteen to seek God and watch how God paints the story of His love and generosity in your ministry, and even in your family!
God never planned for today to be an average, ordinary day so go be the miracle God wants to work in someone's life!

Be Blessed!

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