Preteen Games!

Check out some fun mini-games! 
Balloon Tennis:
            Blow up several balloons
            Extend net across hallway
            Each team selects one member to compete (balloon touches the ground on your side you lose)
            Winner from each round advances to next round
            Team wins if their representative wins the mini-tourney

Nerf Rifle:
            Dry erase board with several drawn targets
            Two members from each time each take 2 shots
            Team with highest score wins
            Shoot with nerf guns

            Teams compete against one another
            One team stands down the hall and poses in crazy ways
            Competing team turns back toward the hall and takes turns throwing one foam ball each.
            If the ball touches standing player at all they’re out
            Winning team gets most people out

Tumble Rumble:
            On soft gymnastic mat one team member competes
            Must tumble down mat toward beanbag and bring it back tumbling with the fastest time
            Each competitor is timed, fastest time wins

Judo Noodo
            Teams compete against each other
            On soft mat two people walk on their knees
            Each person gets a small noodle
            Wears bucket helmet
            Two confirmed hits with noodle player is out
            Teams will fight until all their players are out
            Team that survives wins

Team Horse
            Each team selects 2 members to compete
            One player sits on rolly cart the other pulls on rope tied to cart
            Switch puller at half point
            Fastest team awarded 3 extra points
            Team with most points wins

Invisible boxing
            Teams select two members from team
            One person is blindfolded, the other can see
            Each person stands at cone, tries to tag other first
            Player that can see must yell at partner to direct them
            Get tagged—you lose

Noodle Hockey
            Using pool noodles folded in half, try to score on other team
            Use foam ball for hockey puck 
            First team to score wins

Skating Relay
            Entire team competes     
            One person at a time from each team races around gym
            First team to pass pool noodle to entire team then clean wins
            Each team must finish the race, then return skates and shoes

Ice cream eating challenge
            One player from each team competes
            Race to finish one small cup of ice cream
            First player to finish wins

Toilet paper bowling
            Each team member takes turns rolling a toilet paper roll
            Team with most TP rolls thrown the furthest wins!

Tissue Toss Relay
            Entire team competes
            One person uses one hand to pull out tissues from box
            Other team members pick up tissues and race across gym
            Last person stands still and must be covered in tissues
            Team tapes each tissue to person
            Team wins when all tissues are out of box and taped onto person

Grape Shot
            Each team has designated bucket
            All teams throw as many grapes as possible into their bucket                   
            Team with most grapes wins

Sock Put
            One team member from each team
            Uses giant sock with potato inside
            Swing sock overhead and throw furthest to win

Really Relay
            Team members must all hold hands
            Team must run 1 lap around gym
            Team leader must run backwards around gym after team finishes
            Finish first to win

            One team member must perform
            Either sing or dance to song
            Opposing team picks song
            Must participate for 30 seconds to score points

Cha-Cha Cha-rades
            Two people from each team must perform
            All teams try to guess
            Team with highest score wins

Capture the flag
            Every team places flag in corners of gym
            Cones show team lands    
            If tagged when trying to steal flag must return to home
            If hit with ball, player is out
            Last team with their flag wins

Slug Races
            Entire team races
            One player at a time lies back upon blanket
            Facing upward, using feet only the player must scoot across slick floor 
            Switch off with next teammate relay-style
            Finish first and win