Thursday, February 16, 2012

Patience and Preteens

I think it's about time I simply share my thoughts and let you learn about some of my experiences in preteen ministry, especially my adventure with patience.

In 1 Corinthians we read that "love is patient" and therefore those we love we must also endeavor to offer patience. However, with preteens I have noticed within myself the pattern of focusing more on the goal of my lesson, or finishing my teaching than I am focused on offering patience with my preteens.

This lack of patience comes in many forms for me, such as continuing to speak when hands are raised in valiant participating effort, or lengthy irrelevant Bible verses that must linger on the tongues of eager preteens as I teach on. I want sooo badly to teach these young minds the truths of God's Word and

'I just know that my lesson is exactly what they need to hear!'

In effort to keep this post short, I'd like to say that since I have begun to offer more and more patience with the preteens during my lessons I have seen a slow, but beautiful growth of the Spirit in each one of the young boys and girls.
I am learning that even though the goal of my lesson may be to teach a certain point, or statement, I must never forget the goal of God, and that is to grow these preteens into disciples. The truth is simple,

Jesus is the only way to God, but I am not the only way to Jesus 

and I am humbled each time God reminds me of this when I see Him work in the heart of each preteen in a unique way that I could never do with my teaching alone.
Be blessed! 

What are some ways you have learned to show patience in your ministry?

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