Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Cool Idea for Attendance!

So if you have preteens you probably know that attendance can be all over the place. Partially because parents have busy schedules and partially because preteens don't always feel like coming.

An awesome way to support your regular attenders and encourage the irregular attenders is to use attendance cards! With a design similar to "frequent buyer" cards you can put stickers on each square
for attendance and anything else you would like! Try giving additional stickers for bringing their Bible, or bringing a friend! Maybe you are having a canned food drive, add another sticker for preteens that bring canned food!
And if you would like to increase the use of each card, be sure to laminate them, and use hole punches after all the squares are filled up with stickers.

Also, to challenge the preteens and allow them to take ownership over their "Preteen Pass" I am allowing the preteens to keep their card inside their Bible. This will encourage them to bring their Bible each Sunday, as well as help each preteen to see their Bible as a tool and not just another book.

Our ministry is focusing on leadership and bringing friends to church, so we are using these cards to help encourage some fun competition too!   At the end of 10 weeks I will take 5 of the preteens' attendance cards with the most stickers and hole punches, and then draw randomly from those 5 and award one class with cookie-cake and mini-ice cream cups! Also, to encourage unity within each class, we will award the Sunday School Teacher of the winning class, a $5 gift card to Starbucks!

I hope you get some awesome ideas from this post, and if you have any questions please ask or if you really like the design let me know and I can send you the file.
Be Blessed!

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