Saturday, February 11, 2012

Apologetics for Preteens?

This year I have had the wonderful opportunity to lead T&T in Awana each Wednesday night! During council time I'm allowed 30 - 45 minutes to teach a Bible lesson for the preteens. Now, usually these kids sit down and watch an object lesson, but I think it's a great idea to really engage the 4th and 5th graders with the Word of God by once each month focusing on "Preteen Apologetics."

Once a month I plan 5 to 10 questions related to their lives as Christians. The questions range from day-to-day situations to Biblical theology. It is absolutely amazing to experience the preteens apply their Biblical knowledge and communicative abilities.

With a box of cookies/cupcakes nearby I offer each one as a prize to the preteens who are able to answer each question, proving their opinion based on additional scripture from their Bibles. A phrase I commonly use to advocate diversity of thought is this:
 "There's what I think, what you think, and what God knows."
This is something I try to remind the kids of in order to maintain a respectful environment, since this lesson often becomes similar to a debate.

Here are some of the questions I used:

Can God help 2 Christians on opposite sides of the world at the same time?
- Psalm 139: 7-10

Do Christians need to worry?
- Matthew 6:25

In Matthew 26:69, why did Peter deny Jesus 3 times?
- let the kids discuss

One man donates $100, and another man donates only $1. The first man was upset after he donated, and the 2nd man was happy. Who gave appropriately?
- 2 Corinthians 9:7

Should we fear Satan?
- 1 John 4:4

Can Christians really do everything Jesus did?
- John 14:12

Can we know the will of God?
- John 6:40, 1 Thessalonians 5:18

I try to find a verse or two that I believe appropriately answers each question in accordance with the teachings of the gospel. I have done these "apologetics" several times throughout the year and the preteens absolutely love it! It can be a little challenging to figure out how a variety of scripture can be applied (because you want to be supportive and not tell someone the verse they chose is completely wrong) and discerning between which verses will help facilitate learning.

If you have any questions or would like some more tips please let me know!
Be blessed!

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