Wednesday, January 23, 2013

More Preteen Game Night Ideas!

Post card I mailed to our preteens to remind them to RSVP! 
Lately I have noticed that the preteens in our ministry love having a specific theme night that gives them a reason to dress up in a fun costume or clothes. 

This year I started with a medieval theme. Dress up as knights, princesses, princes and jesters!

We had a ton of fun and the 4 games I planned turned out to be enough to last us more than 3 hours of playing time.

It was important to me to break down any possible stereotypes, that girls have to be princesses, boys have to be princes. It was hilarious to see some of our preteen boys try to act cool and be princesses. And some of our girls wanted to be knights!

All of the games we played involved the 4 different characters. Regardless of what someone dressed up as, they could choose to be either of the characters. However they must remain that character throughout the night.
And yes, that is a functioning drawbridge

Here are the games we played, the supply list will be at the bottom of this post as well.

Knight Rescue: 

(This time the princesses must rescue the knights!)

  • Any preteen choosing to be a knight must be blindfolded and can only crawl
  • Any preteen choosing to be a princess must rescue the blindfolded, knight from point A and bring the knight to point B. The knight MUST crawl the entire time. (We used a long hallway)
  • Anyone having not elected to be a princess or knight must spread out along the hallway and sit on their butt. They cannot get up from their seated position. 
  • Whenever the princesses and knights pass by the people sitting down try to tag them. If tagged the princess must spin 3 times while saying "I'm a pretty bunny" 
  • Designate 3 challenges the princesses must complete before rescuing the knights. 
  • We used 2 "mystery boxes." Concealed within a box was a bucket of watery cottage cheese, another a bucket of 4lbs of chopped hotdogs. In order to succeed each princess must find the "key" inside the bucket (a plastic spoon). 

Jester Got Jokes: 

  • Essentially this game is a stand-up comedy show mixed with charades and stunts
  • Fill a bucket with slips of paper with (appropriate) typed jokes, or stunts, or charades 
  • Teams get a point for correctly guessing the charade
  • Participating team automatically wins point for successful completion of stunts 
  • Participating team wins extra point if any preteen designated "jester" tells joke
  • Team must fake laugh as hard as possible whenever jokes are told
  • List of Jokes, charades and stunts can be found in the "supplies" section below  

A Royal Joust:

  • Using a rolly cart with an attached rope
  • Wear funny bucket masks 
  • Use noodle to hit target on top of bucket for 1 pt 
  • Use noodle to hit helmet for 2 pts
  • Use noodle to knock opponent off car for 3pts 
  • 2 heats, first person to 3pts wins
We also did fun relay races using these carts attached to rope. Watch out for rope burns from kids holding the rope incorrectly though. 

Protect the Castle:

  • Set up 3 cones on top of cardboard box
  • Knights must protect 3 cones by tagging any player trying to steal cones 
  • Everyone not a knight may only walk backwards while trying to steal one cone at a time
  • Knight with at least one cone left wins! 


  • Cottage Cheese 
  • Chopped hot dogs 
  • Blindfolds 
  • 4 cardboard boxes 
  • Rolling carts with attached rope 
  • Crazy bucket helmets 
  • Foam Noodles 
  • Supplies to design Kingdom Crest (we cut cardboard into shield-shapes) 
  • An old person with no teeth running a race
    A rabbit
    A dinosaur
    A ninja
    Re enact the entire lion king movie
    Why are ghosts bad liars.? Because you can see right through them
    What dog can jump higher than a building? Any dog, buildings can't jump
    What's black and white and makes a lot of noise? A zebra with a drum kit
    How do you make fruit punch? Give it boxing lessons
    Why did the sheep go to the movies? To get some snaaaahcks
    What has for legs but can't walk? A chair
    Pretend that your arm just fell off
    A snail
    Crazy cow
    Why was Rita carrying a ladder? Because she was going to high school
    Do a slow motion run
    Get a volunteer with a matching color shirt as you and challenge them to a staring contest. Loser laughs first
    10 push-ups in 10 seconds
    What animal needs to wear a wig? A bald eagle
    Why did the Oreo go to the dentist? Because he lost his filling
    What has 4 wheels and flies? A garbage truck
    Spin in a circle 5 times then do 5 jumping jacks
    Act like a vacuum cleaner
    Pretend you are person closing your eyes and walk around
    Stand still and rub your belly
    Don't stop barking
    Act like a hungry monkey
    When do ducks wake up? At the quack of dawn
    What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear
    Act like a muffin
    Pretend you are a slice of bacon
    Be a tree
    Act like a dj
    Walk forwards while walking backwards
    Pretend to be a little baby imagining itself as a grown adult playing in the World Cup finals against evil monsters trying to take over the world.

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