Friday, January 25, 2013

Best List of Preteen Charades and Stunts...Ever!

This is a great list of random jokes, charades, and stunts you can mix into ANY game! Maybe you're having a relay and one of the challenges is to draw from a pile of random envelopes and complete the challenge inside? Maybe you're having a Charades/Joke-off. Either way this list is packed full of ideas to get you started toward hilarious good times!

An old person with no teeth running a race

A rabbit

A dinosaur

A ninja

Re enact the entire lion king movie

Why are ghosts bad liars.? Because you can see right through them

What dog can jump higher than a building? Any dog, buildings can't jump

What's black and white and makes a lot of noise? A zebra with a drum kit

How do you make fruit punch? Give it boxing lessons

Why did the sheep go to the movies? To get some snaaaahcks

What has for legs but can't walk? A chair

Pretend that your arm just fell off

A snail

Crazy cow

Why was Rita carrying a ladder? Because she was going to high school

Do a slow motion run

Get a volunteer with a matching color shirt as you and challenge them to a staring contest. Loser laughs first

10 push-ups in 10 seconds

What animal needs to wear a wig? A bald eagle

Why did the Oreo go to the dentist? Because he lost his filling

What has 4 wheels and flies? A garbage truck

Spin in a circle 5 times then do 5 jumping jacks

Act like a vacuum cleaner

Pretend you are person closing your eyes and walk around

Stand still and rub your belly

Don't stop barking

Act like a hungry monkey

When do ducks wake up? At the quack of dawn

What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear

Act like a muffin

Pretend you are a slice of bacon

Be a tree

Act like a dj

Walk forwards while walking backwards

Pretend to be a little baby imagining itself as a grown adult playing in the World Cup finals against evil monsters 

trying to take over the world.
Name all the numbers from 1 - 100, which have the letter 'A' in their spellings?

Pretend to play fetch with your imaginary pet elephant. Throw him a ball 3 times!

Pretend that are terrified of people smiling. If anyone smiles at you start screaming and say “AHH NOT AGAINNN”

Get a friend and try to high-five eachother with your eyes closed

Act like a ninja and be reallyyyy sneaky!

Tell your leader to crawl on the floor and act like a horse

Have a contest with your entire team to see who can hold their breath the longest

Sit down and pretend you’re meditating for 10 seconds, saying “OHHHMMMM”

Yell “no you smell like moldy cheese!” then dance around your leader like a hungry monkey

Tell your leader to laugh like a hyena three times

Your entire team must hold hands and do the wave

Fly around like an airplane and don’t stop until your entire team does it too!!

Quick! Everyone make a Soul Train!!

Your entire team must leap through the air while yelling “I’m a beautiful Ballerinaaaa!!”

Ask the shortest person on your team if they’d like to eat some of your toe jam

Play “peek-A-Boo” with a door

Try to make a Lower case “e” with your fingers

Act like you’re an angry gorilla escaping from the zoo!!

Make your best “FART” sound!

Pretend like youre super mad at your leader and tell them to get outta your house!!!

QUICK!! Play Marco Polo!

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