Thursday, November 15, 2012

Are Preteens Only Half-Christian?


The question, "are preteens only half-Christian?" sounds crazy! Right?
Yet I notice so often that adults and parents alike see their preteens as Christians that are meant to sit on the sidelines. They think preteens are Christians in waiting, as though they cannot offer as much as someone older.

So perhaps the better question is:

Are we expecting too little from our preteens? 

My answer is a resounding YES! And I see it all the time! It's as though we are too afraid to challenge our preteens, for worry they might actually have to experience failure. Well I love when our preteens attempt something on their own and encounter failure, because it allows for the opportunity to teach them about the necessity of abiding in God!
English Standard Version (©2001)
Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.

Yes, it is sad to see our preteens encounter challenges in life, but when did you stop facing troubles as a Christian?
I believe we need to continue to challenge our preteens to pursue God more, and create opportunities for our preteens to be involved in ministry as it will dig deeper the spiritual well from which they will rely on as they transition into youth ministry.

Here's a video I showed to our preteens as I challenged them to consider how they are encouraging the people around them. I asked "How much do you know about the person sitting next to you this morning, have you reached out to encourage them?"

Let's challenge our preteens to be the Church wherever they go!

Be Blessed! 

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